Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications

Cmar, J. L., & McDonnall, M. C. (2024). Group-based trajectory analysis of longitudinal employment patterns and predictors for adults with visual impairments. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. Advance online publication.


Crudden, A., Steverson, A., & Sergi, K. (2024). Why I’m not working: People with visual impairments explain. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. Advance online publication.


McDonnall, M. C., & Cmar, J. L. (2024). Underemployment among college graduates with blindness and low vision. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 118(3), 151-163.


McDonnall, M. C., Sessler-Trinkowsky, R., & Steverson, A. (2024). Use of braille in the workplace by people who are blind. Journal on Technology and Persons with Disabilities, 12, 58-75.


Cmar, J. L., & Antonelli, K. (2024). Systematic adaptation of the JOBS program for use with adults with visual impairments. The New RE:view, 2(1), 42-57.


Cmar, J. L., McDonnall, M. C., & Mitchell, G. L. (2024). Predictors of job retention after onset of visual impairment in late middle age. Journal of Aging and Health. Advance online publication.


McDonnall, M. C., Steverson, A., & Boydstun, J. (2024). Actual and preferred methods for learning to use assistive technology. Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits, 18, 20-35.


Cmar, J. L., & Antonelli, K. (2024). Feasibility and acceptability of implementing a job search intervention for adults with visual impairments via videoconferencing. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 118(2), 85–97.


McDonnall, M. C., Cmar, J. L., & McKnight, Z. S. (2024). The impact of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act on agency-level vocational rehabilitation outcomes for adults and youths with blindness and low vision. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 34(4), 299-308.


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