Background Image Alternative Text: Woman sitting in chair using assistive tech with her dog guide laying next to her

Project 5 Increasing Labor Force Participation for People with Blindness or Low Vision


The purpose of this mixed-methods study is to investigate the employment barriers discouraged workers who are blind or have low vision (B/LV) experience and explore strategies to overcome these barriers. It will generate information about the effect of government policies and programs on employment decisions and investigate technology, self-employment, and mentoring as potential facilitators of labor force participation. 

Research Questions

  1. What are the characteristics of people with B/LV who identify as unable to work compared to B/LV individuals who are (a) out of the labor force, (b) employed, and (c) unemployed?
  2. What do people with B/LV who are out of the labor force perceive as employment barriers? What would help them overcome those barriers?
  3. How do people with B/LV who are out of the labor force perceive their (a) technology skills, (b) need for additional training, (c) access to technology, (d) health, and (e) economic status?
  4. Have self-employment or mentoring been offered to, and considered by, people with B/LV who are out of the labor force?
  5. What are the characteristics of successful mentors and mentoring relationships that have helped people with B/LV find and maintain employment?
  6. Does the quality of the mentoring relationship differ based on factors such as (a) how the relationship was established and (b) vision status match between mentor and mentee?

Study Summary

Labor force participation rates among people with B/LV remain well below the rates for the general population, with approximately half of people who are B/LV out of the labor force. Little information is available about persons who have removed themselves from the labor force and the factors that influenced this decision. To improve employment rates for people who are B/LV, their labor force participation must increase. This mixed-methods investigation will generate new information about barriers to and facilitators of improved labor force participation for people who are B/LV.

Our investigation will begin with an analysis of existing datasets to identify factors associated with being out of the labor force. As information emerges from that analysis, data collection will explore the lack of labor force participation at the individual level through exploratory interviews. Finally, to learn more about one strategy to promote labor force participation, we will survey people who are B/LV to investigate mentoring relationships.

Expected Outcomes and Benefits

This project will allow us to identify and describe factors that influence people with B/LV to leave the labor force and provide insight into strategies and practices that facilitate labor force participation. Our results will yield valuable data to inform policymaking and interventions to increase competitive employment among people with B/LV.

Project Outputs

Crudden, A., Steverson, A., & Sergi, K. (2024). Why I’m not working: People with vision impairments explain. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. Advance online publication.

Crudden, A., McDonnall, M., & Tatch, A. (2023). Unable to work? Characteristics of people with blindness and low vision who are out of the labor force. Disability and Health Journal, 16(3), 101438. 

Crudden, A., & McKnight, Z. (2022). Out of labor force due to health reasons? An analysis of the Survey of Income and Program Participation regarding persons with visual impairments. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 45(3), 237-242.

Project Updates

March 2024 News - NRTC Recruiting Participants for Career Mentoring Survey

Spring 2024 - NRTC Newsletter

Spring 2023 - NRTC Newsletter

Winter 2022 - NRTC Newsletter 

Image Licensing Language

Disability Inclusion Stock Photography by Disability:IN is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at This license allows others to reuse this stock photography for any purpose, including commercially; however, it cannot be shared with others in adapted form, and credit must be provided to Disability:IN.