The first survey in our five-year longitudinal study on access technology (AT) use in the workplace by people who are blind or have low vision (B/LV) has launched! More than 300 employed individuals have signed up to participate in the study.
This exploratory study will help us better understand how AT in the workplace is evolving and the greatest challenges people with B/LV experience when using AT. Research questions include:
- Which ATs do people who are B/LV most commonly use in the workplace?
- What are users’ perceived skill levels with the AT they utilize?
- Which ATs do they use for specific work tasks?
- How satisfied are people with the AT they use for specific work tasks?
Our technology company partners will receive annual reports of our findings to help address the challenges and gaps identified. Michele McDonnall, the principal investigator, believes this project is “critical for advancing our knowledge about AT use in the workplace to allow for better recommendations for AT users, employers, and specialists in the field.”
We are still recruiting individuals with blindness or low vision (age 21+) who are not employed but are interested in working to be a part of this study. Individuals interested in participating can complete our pre-screening survey or call 662-325-2001 to schedule an appointment for a telephone screening.
Contact Michele McDonnall or nrtc@colled.msstate.edu with questions.